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Aerial Policies and Safety

Fitted leggings or yoga pants that cover the backs of your knees, as well as a short or long sleeve top that covers your armpits are recommended. Covering knees and armpits will offer the most comfort in aerial, especially those who are new. You may want to wear athletic pants that tie at the waist for security, or leggings under athletic shorts. No shoes, socks, jewelry, or glitter allowed in the silks. Long hair should be pulled back, so it doesn’t get caught in the silk or impair vision while upside down. Gloves are highly recommended for Lyra Hoop. Our Aerial Rigs were installed by a structural engineer. We use equipment rated for climbing which can hold from 1,000-5,000 pounds of force per component. Mats are required under Aerial attendees at all times. No drops are permitted without a large mat and teacher observation. Cancellations less than 24 hours before class start time will incur a late cancel fee. For unlimited pass holders, a drop in fee of $16 will be billed to your card on file. For drop ins and limited pass holders, a pass will be used.

All Levels Aerial 

Our All Levels Aerial class creates a space for movements that use the hammock to build strength, flexibility, and body awareness. Students will learn fun skills and tricks based on skill level. Classes are structured with flexibility to allow modifications so students can tune the movements to their preferred level of challenge. This is an all levels class. 

Saturdays at 10:15 AM

Aerial Flow

Our Aerial Flow class creates a space for more challenging movements that use the hammock to build strength, flexibility, and body awareness. Students will learn fun skills and tricks that can be combined into flows. Classes are structured with flexibility to allow modifications so students can tune the movements to their preferred level of challenge. This is an all levels class. There are not any prerequisites but All Levels Aerial will help you prepare for this class!

Wednesdays at 7:45 PM

Kids Aerial - Grades 1-6

Kids Aerial is the perfect class for ALL kids: they will learn to build strength and control in the body and concentration in the mind as they swing and hang in the Aerial Silks. Kids will leave tired and happy~ they won't even realize they have done a workout! This class is also excellent for the young athlete who would like to increase arm and core strength. Recommended grades 1-6, but all ages welcome. Parents are asked to drop their children off at the red room, and then move to the lobby or even leave the studio if they'd like (parents of children under 8 are asked to remain on site).

Mondays at 4:30 PM

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